Every person need divine direction which comes from God. When your led by God you will be able to avoid difficulties and delay.
In Genesis 24:1-28; here the bible talk about Abraham when he wanted to take wife for his son Isaac and he called his eldest servant to swear for him not to take wife for his son from the land of the cananite where he dwell but he should go to his home town and take a wife for him. The servant took the oath and asked Abraham what if the damsel refuse to come with him, Abraham said to the servant, that then he will be free from the oath.
When the servant left, he got to the home town and pray that God should give him good speed this day that any damsel that come out draw water from the well with her pitcher and when he asked the damsel to let down her pitchers and give him some water to drink, and if she should do that and also on her own decide to give his camels to drink then he will know that God has prospered his journey and have led him divinely.
Exodus 13:21; here, the bible talk about how God led the children of Israel by the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night to there promise land.
What are your requirements:
1. Trust God: you have to trust God that he has the capacity to lead you. Prov 3:5-6


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