Let your mind stay on God

Isaiah 26:3; It says, I will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee;because he trusted in thee.
Hello friends that is the word of the the lord, he said he will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on him and when you trust him.
Many people today their mind is not on God, their mind is wavering to and fro today, from one thing to the other, therefore bringing in different thought that makes the mind unhealthy. Why don't you trust God the more and let your mind stay on him in all that you do, you will realise how healthy your life will become.
Phil 4:7; It says; and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
May the peace of God which we inherited in Christ Jesus rule ur heart.
         Cheers and God blessed you


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