You are more than conqueror

You see friends, sometimes is as if you shouldn't continue living, may be you feel betrayed or life is not going the way you expected, sometimes your plan and purpose are not working out. But one thing is certain you must keep pushing that's number one.
Secondly; you must allow God to lead you.
 The third point is; your plan and purpose in life must be in line with the plan and purpose which God has for you.
Romans 8:28; it say, all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For your plan and purpose to manifest effectively you must know that God should be at the center of the affair.
Don't allow situation to weigh you down, because you are more than conqueror through Christ that loved us. Romans 8:37.
Why don't you rely on him on your day to day activities and allow Christ to lead you, you will see how your life will improve for the better.
May the peace of God rule your heart today. Amen.


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