You were chosen for greatness

Many people are suffering today is not because they don't have money or may be they don't have family. No, not at all, many are suffering today because of one habit they form in the past and because of that habit their life have become something u cannot reckon with.
The habit have become their character they don't know if they should continue or stop, they are now in a confused state.
  But there is a way out; in Matthew 11:28, Jesus said come unto me all you that laboured and are heavy laden I will give u rest. You see the promise of our saviour Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter how long that habit have ravage you, all u need is to acknowledge his sovereignty and bow before him by surrendering all that you are to him. He is the author and finisher of our faith.
 Why are you holding back, that drugs, that illicit life style, surrender all to him. Remember the woman in the bible that was accused of adultery, when they brought her to Jesus, Jesus did not condemned her but saved her from her accusers.
Jesus can save you from that which have been accusing your life day by day. Just go back to him because he is our salvation and our source. God bless you.


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