Always remember this

10 things you can do to help your Pastor .
Pastoring is a tough job. It is one calling that takes your spiritual , mental and physical input! Many pastors are actually stressed out , overworked and depressed .
Want to know how to help your pastor and also help your growth in Christ?
1 . Show up!
You have no idea what your continuous attendance at your local church does for your assembly . The truth is that people join a church based on the kind of community it is . They join because of the fellowship of brethren and the love there in . Ensuring you never miss a service ensures that the assembly has the pleasure and blessing of your fellowship. Growing churches grow easier than non - growing churches . Your absence at your local church meeting does more harm than you can ever imagine .
2. Pay attention to the word .
A church filled with babies cannot significantly advance God's plan on the earth . This is why you must desire to grow and take steps to do so . You need to devour the teachings of your ministry gift and grow by them . Feed on the scriptures and be able to explain them and apply them .
3. Do not miss prayer meetings .
The flame of revival is fanned by the intensity of prayers . The real members of a church are the praying members . A church that will remain ablaze for Christ must have between 80-100% of her members praying together at least once a week for between 1-2 hrs per time . Cooperate prayer meetings enables the Lord unify the  vision in the local church.  Praying together causes everyone to see the same thing and move in the same direction . Make up your mind to attend your next prayer meeting .
4. Join a department/ unit/group
Endeavour you play your role in ensuring every service day is a success . Christianity is about service . You give yourself to serving another . Jesus emphasized washing the feet of the saints to exemplify humble  service between believers . So don't just be content to seat in church week in week out ! Join a department and be dedicated there !
5. Pray for your pastor.
Your pastor is a marked man . He is going to be attacked by the devil because the scripture says " strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter " . A lot of ministers are carrying purifying wounds in their souls due to heartbreaks and unmet expectations . So pray for your pastor passionately ! Pray for help , pray for light, pray for direction and pray for opportunities for him ! You know he is praying for you .
6. Give to your pastor .
This part is very important . Never neglect the welfare of your pastor . Don't wait for when he has a need . Schedule your benevolence gift to him . Most pastors never disclose when they have serious needs . They will just keep quiet looking to the Lord to meet their needs . Always regularly give to meet his needs even if he doesn't need it .
Don't also give to your pastor as though he were a beggar . Give to him as a matter of honor for this is scriptural .
7. Walk in love with your pastor .
Nothing destroys a local church like strife and gossips.  Words will destroy a house from within it than a thousand armies from without . When people say evil things about your pastor or church ensure you protect both as your actions at that moment of accusation may either build a stronger hold in the mind of the accuser or weaken it .
Walk in love to your pastor or local church knowing that all are men saved by Grace.
8.Provide honest feedback .
This one is so important.  The head takes decision for the body when the body provides quick feedback ! Never hold back necessary information about members or issues in church from your pastor . That member battling depression or going through a divorce or break up , that fellow who lost their job and is suffering , tell your pastor !  Did something happen at a service you didn't like ? Instead of backbiting or gossiping about it just give pastor feedback . I believe that most churches would do better if more people gave their pastors feedback rather than just leaving the church .
9. Words of encouragement.
Encourage your pastor well! Did a sermon bless you ? Tell him ! Did the power of God flow powerfully in a service and you where blessed ? Tell him ! He is a man and would be encouraged because of what God did in the service . Be loud about encouraging him especially when he may have a lot to discourage him .
10. Bring a friend with you .
There is no greater indication that you are being blessed by a minister or local church than you bringing friends and family with you ! No one eats a good meal and not want to get others to eat it with them . Do not leave the burden of reaching the world to your pastor . That burden is too great for one man to bear . So as you have been blessed ensure those close to you are blessed too! Bring them along !
God wants stronger local churches and it will happen through believers like You!
It's My New Dawn


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