Anchor Scriptures: Genesis 1:31; I Kings 7:1; Hebrew 12: 2, Nehemiah 6:16-17; Philippians 1:6; Genesis 18:13-14; Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:26.
When a man’s destiny has been affected one way or the other he suffers from impossibility. What is naturally simple for others becomes impossible for him. The spirit of impossibility is also a waster of life. It never gives room for success to be achieved. The spirit will not hinder a man from laying hand on a profitable venture or project, but it will ensure that it does not end successfully. It never allows for a successful completion. Every project becomes a White Elephant project in the life of a victim of this spirit.
The spirit of non-achievement ensures that the victim is a bundle of failure in his/her life. It ensures that the victim does not achieve anything worthwhile in life no matter the degree of effort invested. They cannot point to anything tangible they’ve achieved in life. Through prayer today you will overcome this spirit and be able to enter your destiny in Jesus name.
1. Lord, have mercy upon me for any sin that have opened the door to the spirit of impossibility and non-achievement in my life. I receive your cleansing now in Jesus name.
2. I break every curse and covenant of impossibility and non-achievement that has prevented me from entering into my destiny in Jesus name.
3. I release myself from the collective captivity of impossibility and non-achievement in Jesus mighty name.
4. Every seed, root and tentacles of impossibility in my life, die, right now in Jesus name.
5. You spirit and power of impossibility in my life be uprooted and consumed by God’s fire in Jesus name.
6. I withdraw my name, picture, clothing, projects and programmes from the altar of impossibility in Jesus name.
7. Every altar of affliction raised up against my achievement, collapse and break into pieces right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. I loose and release myself now from the collective captivity of family non-achievement in Jesus name.
9. I speak progress, advancement and breakthrough to every area of my life in Jesus mighty name.
10. Because Jesus my saviour was an achiever while on earth, I as His child will also be an achiever.
11. Father, raise up the right people to help me at the right time and in the right places in the name of Jesus.
12. I will acquire what I desire because I will perspire and will not retire in Jesus name.
13. I command the Abrahamic gene of greatness and achievement in me to be activated right now because I am Abraham’s seed.
14. I declare that henceforth, no force on earth shall be able to stop me from accomplishing my goals in Jesus name.
15. I withdraw my name from the register of failures and non-achievement this year in Jesus mighty name.
16. I break the power of non-achievement operating in my family, workplace, residence and neighborhood in Jesus name.
17. This year will be my year of fulfillment, achievement and enlargement in the mighty name of Jesus.
18. Every abandoned project and programme in my life, receive a new lease of life now in Jesus name.
19. I receive God’s Omega anointing of a good finisher, in Jesus mighty name.
20. I receive my breakthrough by faith and give God praise and honour for it.


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