
In the ministry where I work as a shepherd of the flocks.
  A young guy came to service and the Lord led me to pray for him and anoint him. So after I prayed for him and anoint, I ask him to go back to his seet. At the close of service he went back home and later he said he became hungry and went out to get something to eat, all of a sudden he notice that something was dragging his trousers from inside so he thought that it was one of the rope of the trouser. So he went to a corner and dip his hand into his trouser and discover that something was actually coming out of his Anus, a very big worm, so he cut it and rush to the sellers place and hurried her for his purchase so that he will go back home to check wat was actually coming out of his Anus. By the time he got home he pull his trouser and a big giant worm with children inside came out of him. That same day God delivered him of a giant worm which he don't even know was inside of him. 
  Today God will heal you of your wounds both internal and physical wounds. He is still the same yesterday, today and forever. He is s Great God. May be you have cancer he can heal the cancer, may be you have HIV, he can heal you of HIV. God bless u. 


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