Friends God really wants us to prosper and be in good health. 3 john 2 There are three keys to good health 1. Being in the presense of God. Just like David who goes to the house of God ten times a day, three times to pray and seven times to worship. And it was not recorded that he was sick. Try it and you will see how healthy you will become 2. Fellowship: during fellowship there is fire that is been released and any one whose fire has gone down can contact more fire that keeps them burning and makes them to burn excess luggage in there body. That is why God said in Hebrew 10:25 that we should not neglect the gathering of the brethren. Also in Hebrew 12:22. That there is innumerable host of angel present to keep brethren on fire. To quicken them and revive there spirit. Romans 8:11 3. Service: when you serve God and do his work in Truth and spirit God then service you. Look at what God said in Exodus 23:25: this is reality, he will bless your bread and waters and take away d...
Topic: The way of truth Text: Ps119:30 Here David said that he has chosen the way of truth and that he has laid the judgment of God before him. So friend have you chosen the way of truth or your living in lies and decide to hide the truth, remember truth always prevails, also remember to lay the judgment of God before you because his judgment is sure. Finally; friend allow truth to guide you always because the truth will always set you free John8:32 God bless you today
You have to be focus, don't allow your past to weigh you down, there are more in the future, thats why they say that the future is pregnant and no one knows what it will give birth, so you must maintain a positive attitude towards your tomorrow. Remain blessed.
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